Radiology Specialist
Dr Christopher Rodríguez

- University of Wales College of Medicine
He is particularly specialized in ultrasound scanning of the entire abdomen and organs.
He developed a keen interest in medical imaging during his years as a junior doctor and trainee surgeon. This led him to pursue a career in Clinical Radiology, a specialty which is now at the forefront of medical care and is often central to medical decision-making.
Having completed his specialty training, Dr Rodriguez returned to his hometown of Gibraltar, where he has been practicing in the Midtown Clinic and Gibraltar Hospital as a Consultant Radiologist since.
Furthermore any kind of vascular problems, pelvic (kidney/bladder) musculoskeletal and suspicious swelling conditions are offered to be scanned and diagnosed to offer quick solutions.
He additionally offers ultrasound guided infiltrations, aspirations and comprehensive reports of MRI CT scans performed in other health care establishments.